Denk niet dat we Kulizjnikov gaan zien:
Nominated Athletes and their Support Personnel must have not associated in any way with any person serving a period of ineligibility for an Anti-Doping rule violation and they must have accepted to fully comply with any request for information from the ITA, ISU, IOC, WADA, including any request to provide further whereabouts information, or the contact details of all Support Personnel they associate with.
Dit is misschien ook nog wel een dingetje:
Any form of verbal, non-verbal or written expression, explicit or implicit, at any time since February 24, 2022 (being the date of the beginning of the war in Ukraine), in particular public statements, including those made in social media, participation in pro-war demonstrations or events, and the wearing of any symbol in support of the war in Ukraine, for example the "Z" symbol, are considered to be acts of support for the war in Ukraine.
En dit is het specifieke stuk over de langebaan:
Speed Skating
a. Qualification Pathway and Quota Places at the OWG 2026 for AIN per respective passport holder country:
aa. AIN or, in case of injury, their Substitutes, are allowed to participate in their respective individual event (Men’s 500m, Men’s 1000m, Men’s 1500m, Men’s 5000m, Men’s 10000m, Men’s Mass Start; Women's 500m, Women's 1000m, Women's 1500m, Women's 3000m, Women's 5000m, Women’s Mass Start) for the Speed Skating Qualification Events of the season 2025/26, such substitution to be in accordance with the general regulations for substitutions.
ab. These Skaters are entered as AIN and can fulfil one quota by qualifying for the respective individual event
b. The Confirmation of Quota Places will be done by the ISU directly to the individual AIN, not to the RSU/BLR/BLR NOC. Once they are notified as provisionally qualified by the ISU, the AIN themselves must confirm their intention to participate at the OWG 2026 directly to the ISU. Such participation is subject to the IOC executive board decision on AIN participation at the OWG 2026 and the fulfilment of any applicable conditions.
c. There is no reallocation for AIN (the Olympic Qualification Document applies).
d. There is no consideration of AIN for participation in the OWG 2026 Speed Skating Team Pursuit.