Olympische Spelen 2026

als de Olympische Spelen zich nog even doorontwikkelen qua kosten, is Qatar nog het enige land dat de Winterspelen wil organiseren in 2042

given the events transpiring in the last few decades, the IOC should permanently stop the practice of granting the right to host the Olympics to nations with grave violations of human rights and international law

like fuck this, at this point make it an economic sanction

+ i have a dream that when the war in Ukraine ends (with Ukraine's victory, that's out of the question), the entire world helps rebuild it and then helps Ukraine build all the necessary facilities to host the Winter/Summer Games. These Games shall therefore be held as a sign of glory to the democratic, civilized world in blooming, prosperous Ukraine.

i also hope that by that time a few democratic and free nations will rise from the ashes of what once was the r*ssian f*deration and they will be allowed to compete, too.

it will remain just a dream... i guess...
Feitelijk is het IOC hier al een aantal jaar een andere koers gaan varen. Dat zie je ook aan de landen die de Spelen gaan organiseren de komende edities. Het IOC hamert op lagere kosten en inmiddels is een referendum onder de bevolking verplicht. Dat gaat wel voor problemen zorgen om een gastheer te vinden. Een aantal steden heeft de afgelopen jaren vrijwillig al een referendum gehouden en die vielen allemaal negatief uit. De beeldvorming dat de Spelen veel geld kosten zal nog wel een hele tijd blijven bestaan, ook al is dat in de toekomst in veel mindere mate het geval.
164: OK! probably they have cut the other two from either Short Track or figure skating then,
Team Sprint is not worse than TP or Mass Start. People were negative when both were introduced. The pure sprinters only have one event in the Olympics (500m), while a biathlete can fight for several titles. Unfair.
In the current form, the team sprint doesn't feel like it'll be a full-fledged Olympic event anytime soon: even early demonstration events of the team pursuit had ~10 teams competing, whereas mainly the women's team sprint struggles to find more participating teams than three. Moreover, the event is extremely short. Too short to be a proper event, even if it were to be skated with a semifinal/final system like the team pursuit. However, the team sprint could be combined with the team pursuit to create one big team event replacing the sole team pursuit, but I don't think that'd improve the current situation – and @Kristian's home country is probably satisfied with the Olympic team pursuit as is :D
164: OK! probably they have cut the other two from either Short Track or figure skating then,
Team Sprint is not worse than TP or Mass Start. People were negative when both were introduced. The pure sprinters only have one event in the Olympics (500m), while a biathlete can fight for several titles. Unfair.
Als je de pure sprinters een extra event wil geven moet je de 500m maar dan anders doen. Misschien de 500 meter rechtsom of de 500m hordeschaatsen. Het probleem van sprint team of massaonderdelen is dat ze extreem kort zijn. Je zou met meer mensen kunnen starten en dan meerdere heats doen, maar dan heb je gewoon shorttrack.

Aan het eind van het afgelopen seizoen hadden ze het er trouwens over dat pure sprinters misschien niet eens de beste keuze zijn op de teamsprint want je hebt er toch niets aan als Ronald Mulder wegsprint en Thomas Krol direct een achterstand krijgt.
Winning the olympic team pursuit has unfortunately proven not to be a quick fix for the interest of speed skating in Norway. (500m (HHL 2018) neither).
TP is probably here to stay, nice event, but the format being different when not competing in the olympics? Why all those rounds? Do we have figures showing that the first round of the TP in the Olympics get huge viewing figures? Make it a one leg race in the Olympics too. Then it would be interesting to introduce an allround event in the Olympics. How do they know that such a thing would not generate interest (athletes and viewers) and consequently money? A 500-1500-5000 (men)/500-1500-3000 (women) combination would not attract the supersprinters, but some middle distance racers would have a go. As for the 1000m, one could rather split the distance in two -- 300+700. As for the sprint WK such an introduction could then point towards a change from 2x500+2x1000 to, for instance, 100-700-300-500.
The pure sprinters only have one event in the Olympics (500m), while a biathlete can fight for several titles. Unfair.

I think the IOC likes that biathletes can compete for several titles. This has two benefits. First of all you have fewer total participants (=cost) for the same amount of events (=income from tickets and television). And secondly you need a few stories of exceptional athletes, and that means they need to get multiple (gold) medals. This won't work if you can only be best in one (500m) or at most two (500+1000m combination) events. Biathlon is in a way perfect in the sense that the same athletes are favored in all races, but results are unpredictable enough that it is still unlikely that one athlete runs away with all gold medals. (That also means they can have 94 of 105 male biathletes competing in the (shortest) sprint event, and 92 in the (longest) individual.)
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Dont think the 164 has anything to do with Russia or Belarus. Minor change! Whats interesting to me is that Randonee is in the programme of 2026, but in 2030? Spain has recently withdrawn their bid. So Sapporo, Vancouver or SLC? Skating interest in all those countries/venues. Speed Skating should fight for those extra quotas. How? By implementing allround events specially designated for the Olympics.
Waarom zou de IOC allround gaan toelaten tot de Olympische Spelen, als de ISU dat zelf aan het afbreken is?
Because allround attracts a lot of interest despite not being olympic, nor promoted by the ISU. I am talking about an event specially designated for the olympics with strong ties to the classical allround event. I am NOT talking about a classical, separate 500-5000-1500-10 000 event though. One should also have a thought about an allround event for the sprinters. I have mentioned 300+700.( A more full fledged combination might be 300-700-500, with the 500 both awarding medals in the samalog and on the single distance? Or?)
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Als er iets nieuws in de OS komt moet dat eerst uitgeprobeerd worden op nationaal en internationaal niveau. Een volwaardig Nederlands kampioenschap supersprint met 100/300/500 meter of 300/500/700 meter zou een goede eerste stap zijn.
So how ought the programme of 2026 have been?

Emil N has recently suggested a change from single distances to samalog events both for sprint, middle- and long distances. Gives more in depth fields with the recent small total quotas in mind. MS and TP in addition to the samalogs then sums up to a modest 10 medal events in total. 3 or 4 distances in the sprint combination (not the 2x500+2x1000 but a modernized version), 1000+1500+3000 for the middle distance event, and a choice between the big combination or 3000+5000+10 000 for the long distance skaters! :)
I doubt both that the IOC wants the big combination and that the member federations want to get rid of the fight for single distance medals. Thus I suggest a modified version:

Each category singles out a core distance where the fight also is on for single distance medals. Sprint:500, middle distances:1500, long distances: 5000m. Same for both gender. Gender equality. The middle distance combination starts out with 1000m, continues with the medal event 1500m, and ultimately the three distance competition finishes off with the 3k. Limited number of skaters qualify for the third distance to make the competition attractive.
The long distance combination begins with the 3k, continues with the medal awarding event 5k, and finishes off with the 10k. A limited number of skaters qualify for the third distance to make the competition attractive. The short distance combination provides several options to be decided among. 100-700-500-300? 500-300-700? 1000m not included.
This model would among other things mean that we will see 3000m twice both for men and women. But I would only want to see the TP as a one race event. If we also include mass start, the total number of medal events in this model sums up to 16.
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